Home One-Month FREE Subscription to Classifieds Directory Services

One-Month FREE Subscription to Classifieds Directory Services

This is a limited pre-launch offer to startups/ventures that will enable them to post jobs and list their BSPF (buy.sell.partner.seek funds) “asks” on LabinMotion. You can edit and delete your posts too. This is a FREE one-month offer. Your listings will continue to be displayed even after one month. To avail of this feature, please fill in the form and we will create a user login and send you an email with further instructions.

Classifieds Directory Services
A. Directory Listings (Buy.Sell.Partner.Funds)
You can post under four different categories –
# You want to “Sell” your products or services
# You want to “Buy” some products or services
# You are looking for “Partnering” with others
# You are looking at “Funding” for your venture
# Post up to 10 entries per user per calendar month

B. Job Postings
You can post job openings in your organization or post jobs as a recruitment consultant
# Post up to 10 jobs per user per calendar month
# Ability to post and edit Jobs
# Jobs searchable on different filters