27.2 C


How to set goals?

How can you define and articulate goals that are realistic, specific, aligned to your values and easily understood by all concerned? It is recommended...

Understanding the Business Model Canvas

Running our own business, no doubt, has many advantages, but the level of planning and managerial work involved in it can drain out even...

The Blue Ocean Strategy Explained

The idea of ‘healthy competition’ is usually synonymous with growth, whether its sports, academics or a business place. Yet, two business leaders shattered this...

Skit: Multilingual Chatbots Platform

Have you ever wondered how your favorite app, website, or software was created? What inspired the founders and developers to build it in the...

How do contexts influence customer value?

Context refers to circumstances such as location, events, time of the day, cultural milieu, political and economic conditions, social structure, values, beliefs, needs, and...

3 Successful Women Entrepreneurs | Learnings and Reflections

Levi’s recent brand campaign, ‘When you take a step, we all move’ --celebrating the spirit of women and their collective journey of inspiring and...

Co-creating customer value

Customer value can be created by co-creating solutions through higher participation of customers in the solutions discovery, design, or production stages. This has its...

UrbanKisaan: Promoting sustainable urban gardens

Unlike farmers who work on the soil and are closer to nature, people living in apartments crave a home garden to grow vegetables and...

CAC model explained through an example

Let us attempt to understand the various components of customer action. The image shows a man with a camera. He likes to use his...