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The Blue Ocean Strategy Explained

The idea of ‘healthy competition’ is usually synonymous with growth, whether its sports, academics or a business place. Yet, two business leaders shattered this...

Marketing Myopia: A drill, a hole or something else?

Professor Theodore Levitt, in his famous Harvard Business Review (HBR) paper titled “Marketing Myopia,” suggested that businesses need to shift their focus from producing...

WhiteHat Jr.: Beliefs That Promoted Adoption Of Solutions

WhiteHat Jr. is an ed-tech company based in India that offers 1:1 live video coding classes for 6–14-year-olds. It was founded in November 2018...

Self-Funded Startups and How They Rise to Fame

We are all familiar with the age-old debate over whether or not money can buy happiness. In the entrepreneurial world, you will find people...

3 skills to help generate new ideas

After identifying customer needs by using the Customer-Action-Cycle framework, the entrepreneur or marketer is likely to sit down with the team to explore ideas...

Understanding the Business Model Canvas

Running our own business, no doubt, has many advantages, but the level of planning and managerial work involved in it can drain out even...

UrbanKisaan: Promoting sustainable urban gardens

Unlike farmers who work on the soil and are closer to nature, people living in apartments crave a home garden to grow vegetables and...

Customer-Action-Cycle: Overview

Analysing the various elements of a job-to-be-done is at the core of the Customer-Action Cycle model. Human behaviour is an aggregation of multiple actions,...

Plaeto: Customizable Footwear

Plaeto, a new customizable footwear company, has launched in Bangalore with some big names behind it. Former executives from Nike and Apple are among...